Eaglehead Repeater Association

 Annual Membership Meeting

April 4, 2013

Report of ERA Activities of 2012 and a Look at 2013

Prepared by Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI

There was a brief explanation and description of ERA -- .88, .82, .72, 7.7

The current board consists of: President & Secretary – Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI, elected with 1 year remaining on term; Treasurer – Bob Leo, W7LR, trustee; Harley Leach, KI7XF, trustee; Don Godward, N7FLT, GHRC appointed representative; Rob Maher, NR7B, trustee; Dave Ford, KE7CAP, elected with 2 years remaining on term; Jim Hall, AA8Y, term expired & up for re-election.


                From the 2012 Membership Meeting covering 2011 –

-continue to improve ERA's financial situation. With the ultimate goal of attaining a suitable reserve for unexpected costs, replacements, and repairs.

                - stabilize the .82 - .88 link

- move the .72 machine to the new Fire Station in West Yellowstone when the facility is complete. This makes access to the .72 significantly easier and should not be a detriment to the signal.

                - continue to provide repeater operation on the ERA repeaters.


ERA board met March 27, 2013


Repeaters Report for 2012 and looking to 2013:

                146.88 – repairs were done and the repeater is more stable

.82 – significant repairs were done during the repair season of 2012 and the repeater is working great in local mode and linking mode with the .88.

The .88/.82 link is working great both ways and has been stable throughout the winter

.72 will be moved from its current location on Horse Butte to the Search and Rescue Building in West Yellowstone when weather permits. The antennas have been installed at the Search & Rescue Building and are ready for the repeater. Moving this repeater to this location gives us a better line of sight between the .82 and .72 which means better signal. It will be linked north through to the .88. It also will make accessing the repeater MUCH easier and less weather dependent.

We have been offered a donation of a nearly complete repeater set up. The board is currently determining whether it is HAM frequency capable. If it is, then we will receive the donation and are looking to place it so that it will serve the northern end of the Bridger Range.


Treasurer’s Report:

                Checking: $2,774.54

                Savings: $404.07

Total: $3,178.61

                (some receipts coming in for re-imbursement)

Expenses include:

Montana Secretary of State fee - $15; Insurance - $252; Bridger sight rental - $461; repairs & maintenance to ERA repeaters.

Income: donations from members & community



                Jim Hall’s, AA8Y, 3 year term is up and we will hold an election for that board position.

                Running for election: Jim Hall, AA8Y and Cyrus                                   

Per the by-laws the election is by simple majority on written ballot. Only ERA members are eligible to vote.

                Jim Hall was elected to a 3 year term.


Resignation of Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI – ERA board of directors per by-laws has appointed Wade Walker, KF7LVF to fulfill Kathi’s remaining term. Term does not include officer position. Officers are elected by the ERA board.


Respectfully submitted by Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI, on behalf of the ERA board