December 2002 GHRC meeting minutes                12/31/02

Introductions.  The secretaries report for November had been sent by email.  Treasurers report, $1873.


KC7EWZ reported on a S&R computerized mapping program effort. 


KI7OJ requested an ERA meeting in January.  (Later Don said it would need to be rescheduled for February). 


AA7GK reported on the IRLA project.


N7ODN reported on the plan for an upcoming VE session.


KC7EWZ reported on the S&R meeting.  Status of the proposed new building is still not clear.


N7ODN discussed possible radio club participation at the Sr. Center.  Discussion led to the conclusion to upgrade MSU facilities and that we would be spread too thin to start at the Senior Center.


N7FLT reported on the state emergency drill and use of W7YB.


W7LR reported that 44 would attend the Christmas dinner; on acquisition of three Conoco base stations; and a hamfest in Idaho Falls in April.


It was moved for WA7U to purchase a new autopatch for $370.


There was a lengthy discussion on the condition of the club; need for new members;

Impact of having no newsletter; and possible rearrangement of dues between ERA and GHRC – ERA usually needing more equipment funding and being tax exempt.

All of this was tabled.


K7CUB announced that current officers are willing to serve for another year. Yea team.


It was adopted that we should continue the 2m Tuesday night net.


Robert Leo, W7LR,  secretary