Monthly meeting of the Gallatin Ham Radio Club, GHRC


People Present

AA8Y                     HALL     JIM

AB5CK                  LEWIS TOM

AC7RY                   SCHEIDT LES

AD7RB                  BABCOCK RAY

K7CUB                   LINDEN VIVIAN


KD7TQM              REGER NORM


KE7CAP                FORD DAVE

KE7XJS                  WALDEISEN ROBERT

KI7OJ                     REGLI DON

KI7XF                    LEACH HARLEY

N7FLT                    GODWARD DON

N7GS                      GOOSEY MAL

N7ODN                  MYERS JACK

N7UNI                    GREGOIRE KATHI

NU7Q                     SMITH CYRUS

W7LR                     LEO BOB

W7NAV                 HEIDNER DALE


Absent but present at previous meeting

AC7PO                   GODWARD JIM

AB7VR                   BERGANTINE JOSEPH

KA7MHP              OSBORNE DALE

KB7KB                   HELVEY RIC

KC7BEO                HAYDEN LARRY

KC7EWZ               WILSON DON

KD7AEO               LUBNER RUSSEL

KE7HAN               EVANS LEE

KE7SJS                  JENSEN BOE

KE7SJZ                  WALKER BRUCE

KJ7UN                   MARINO LAURA

W7CXC                 GOLSNER DAVID

WA7U                   GAHAGAN TODD

                                HEIDNER IRMA



President               Jack Meyers         

Vice President       Jerry Gregoire

Secretary               Don Wilson (Absent)

Treasurer               Harley Leach


Program                 Harley Leach

                                USA 2008 ARDF Competition

Minutes accepted from May Meeting



Treasurer Report: $2,356.36



N7ODN not available 6/9 to 6/19

Garage sale at N7ODN’s on the 10th ;-)


Headwaters relay – need volunteers KD7WLX passed around signup sheet



ERA:                       (Bob) none

NETS:                     (Vivian) Encourage to check into Nets, Also ck out the group

REPEATERS:        (Harley) Waiting for snow to go especially Flattop, 82, etc.

VE:                          (Ray) Exam Saturday, 2 people will come. Tentative group of 13 coming to Field day.

                                New General class pool coming in July. Next two exams will be last on current pool.

SMS/CJ: (Vivian) Working on if there is new club, what the call will be.

                                May need help with antenna but not till Aug 19.

SAR:                       (DonG) Called out Sat to help Broadwater. Canceled. Subjects were found.

Hamfest:                (Tom) All set up.

Book Sales: Books can not be returned.

Jerry made motion to make books available at club members at cost after Hamfest. Dave seconded. Motion passed.

Vivian made motion that we order 10 books for new CJ Club. Don G seconded. Motion passed.

Free books (for Hamfest) go through coordinator, Tom L. They will be offered for sale.

Discussed how to get posters up to Glacier Hamfest.

Harley will have a Fox hunt.

Looking for another presenter.


Field Day:              (Don G) Dale will host Goto, station in his camper .It will not technically Goto station due to cumbersome rules. Discussed antennas. Potluck instructions see May minutes. Friday come after 12:00 and help setup. Kathi is in charge of phone station. Gregoire, Jack, Dale will bring barbeque.


Old Business:

                Primal Quest. No news.

                Blazing Saddles. Have enough people to cover. We have eight currently.

                Elmer session. Interest is not there. Will not do at this time. Tom suggested we do one at Hamfest. Did not decide, will consider over summer.

                Tower removals. No information.

                Engine Academy went well, (Jim H).

                Ridge run is Aug 9th. This is before our next meeting. Kay Neumann was not present but will probably make calls to organize.


          New Business:

Motion was made to adjourn, seconded. Motion passed.



Meeting adjourned at

Submitted by Jerry Gregoire, KD7WLX

(Substituting for Don Wilson)