GHRC Meeting Minutes for May 3, 2012


Roll Call

Vivian Linden                     K7CUB                                                  Karen Schunke                  KF7QJJ

Allan Schrum                      AI4RO                                                   Eric Anderson                    KF7OLR

Falicia Anderson               KF7TAH                                                                Spencer Gilchrist              Guest   

Todd Gahagan                   WA7U                                                   Wayd Walker                     KF7LVF

David Ford                          KE7CAP                                                                Dave Furniss                      AE7KC

Rich Michau                        KF7LVE                                                 Don Wilson                         KC7EWZ

Jack Myers                          N7ODN                                                 Ralph Bergantine             KC7PFH

Norm Reger                       KD7TQM                                              Jim Hall                                 AA8Y

Cyrus Smith                        NU7Q                                                    Harley Leach                    KI7XF

Bruce Walker                     KE7SJZ                                                  Jerry Gregoire                   KD7WLX


KD7WLX began the meeting with the roll call. Because of daylight concerns, CAP gave a presentation and tour of their converted mobile unit.


N7ODN has a radio donated to the club by Fran Goosey. There was a discussion about how it could be used.  KF7LVE made a motion to keep it for use by new hams. It was seconded by WA7U. The motion passed. It will be designated inmemory of N7GS. It is a FT 90 R dual band radio.


KC7EWZ reported that the first public service event, MS Walk,  will  be May 12. He will contact the volunteers.


NU7Q reported  that the largest full moon will be May 5. There will be an eclipse May 20. He will put information about Venus on June 5-6 on the reflector.


Secretary Report. Minutes from the last meeting were approved.  Members are encouraged to read the minutes on the web site before meetings.


Treasurer  report.  KD7WLX read a letter of resignation from  AC7RY.     


Committee Reports

KI7XF reported that VE sessions will be held in June and at Field Day.

 No Budget Report provided.


88net. There is a different net control for each week of the month. There has been some noise on the repeater lately that has curtailed some check ins.


SAR  There have been a few call outs. The SAR board is working on the yearly budget. The new facility in West Yellowstone should be ready in June.


Fox hunting  KI7XF said  fox hunts will continue as time permits. There will be one at Field Day.


Hamfest  KI7XF reported that everything is proceeding.  He asked if the club wanted a club table. KD7WLZ and Nu7Q  will work together for a club table. KF7LVE asked about  advertising. NU7Q will finish the flyer.  Notifying the ARRL should be done promptly. The hamfest will be August 25.


HF  KF7LVE is enjoying his new HF radio.


School Club  K7CUB reported that the students finished the electronic kits and had a successful transmitter hunt. They have been a great group and really enjoyed the transmitter hunt. That was the final activity for the year. We are awaiting the results of the School Club Roundup.


ERA  KI7XF said there was nothing to report.


Old Business

  Field Day will be June 23-24. Set up will be Friday afternoon and Saturday morning.  The location is at

W7NAV’s QTH.  KD7TQM will get the out houses. AE7KC will check on cooking equipment from CAP. The Meat Shoppe has a BARBQ they rent out. New hams should be invited to Field Day. AD7RB has the list. KF7LVE made a motion to put information about Field Day in the paper. KE7SJZ seconded the motion. The motion passed.  AI4RO suggested the Bozone. KD7WLX asked for a volunteer and NU7Q volunteered to put information about Field Day in the newspaper.


New Business

KD7TQM would like to have the packet station working. He has a club radio that he would like to use for that purpose. KC7EWZ moved to have the club supply the needed parts for putting the Motorolla radio in working order for packet. It was seconded by KF7LVE. The motion passed. KD7TQM will work with W7LR about receiving permission to put it  at a location on Bridger PEAK.


AI4RO discussed the annual summer picnic and what needed to be done to reserve the location at the Bozeman Ponds. AA8Y and NU7Q volunteered to organize the picnic.


WA7U reported on the new constitution and by laws for the club. Other committee members were KF7QJJ, KC7EWZ and KF7LVE. WA7U explained them and there was some discussion about a few items. The point was made that if they are adopted, they could amend individual issues later. AA8Y moved to adopt the constitution and by laws. KC7CAP seconded the motion. The motion passed. There was much appreciation to the committee for all of their hard work.


A vote to approve KF7OLR to become the treasurer passed. KF7OLR  has accepted the position.


AA8Y moved the meeting be adjourned. It was seconded by KF7LVE. The motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,

K7CUB, secretary