Eaglehead Repeater Association
Annual Membership Meeting
January 6, 2011
Report of ERA Activities from 2010 and a Look to 2011
Prepared by Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI
Brief explanation and description of ERA for newer hams. .88, .82, .72, 7.7
Began in late 1970s as an association of amateur radio operators, mainly in the Gallatin Valley. The name came from the first repeater location on Eaglehead Mountain in 1977. In 1979 the repeater was moved to Steamboat Mountain above Tom Miner Basin. In 1983 the repeater was moved to its current location on Buck Creek Ridge/Flattop Mountain south of Big Sky. In 1981 ERA was issued our Certificate of Incorporation from the Montana Secretary of State and in 1985 we received our 501 (c) 3 permit from the IRS. ERA oversees the 146.88, .82, .72, and 447.7 repeaters. ERA is separate from GHRC technically but memberships overlap and there is a strong relationship between ERA and GHRC.
At the last membership meeting it was decided by verbal vote to keep GHRC and ERA as separate entities.
In the ERA Articles of Incorporation it states that ERA will "operate in conjunction with, yet distinct from the Gallatin Ham Radio Club."
At the last membership meeting the board was reactivated by appointing members. At a later board meeting, in order to satisfy the by-laws, board members were designated a length of current term in office. According to the by-laws 3 of the board members will serve a staggered three year term, while one of the remaining is appointed by the President of GHRC annually and the final board positions to be filled by the repeater trustees. The board currently consists of Don Godward, N7FLT appointed by GHRC president for 2010. Rob Maher, NR7B as trustee. Harley Leach, KI7XF as trustee. Dave Ford, KE7CAP has one year remaining on his term and is currently the second signer on the ERA account. Jim Hall, AA8Y has 2 years remaining on his term. Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI has 3 years remaining on her term and is currently serving as President and Secretary. Bob Leo, W7LR is serving as Treasurer.
In the past year the board has:
- met multiple times in order to get organized -- making sure we are operating per our articles of incorporation and by-laws
- discussed interference issues with .88 -- we are getting blasted by a commercial repeater on site.
- discussed and trouble shooted why the .88/.82 link has been intermittent
- took inventory of equipment -- this list is at the end of this report
- discussed financial issues -- several receipts have not been submitted but when they are ERA does not have the money to cover them. During the year we received donations from members and a couple larger donations from organizations. ERA is sitting better financially but still would not be in the black if all receipts were turned in.
Increased the requested individual/family donation of members from $30 to $35. Records show ERA has not raised this since at least the 1980s.
- reviewed insurance and replacement costs -- it was determined to remain with our current insurance provider
- determined to replace the .88 antenna and phaser harness in 2011. Current functioning is under a temporary repair that is expected to last the current winter but probably not longer. Costs are estimated around $600 for the equipment and around $300 for shipping.
End of year money numbers:
checking account: $1,106
savings account: $203 Expenses: insurance - $172; Bridger site fee: $435; Montana Sec. of State for maintaining our certificate of incorporation -$30
Income: $1,525 from member contributions and two race organizations' contributions
In the coming year the board aims to:
-continue to improve ERAs financial situation. Hopefully attaining a suitable reserve for unexpected costs, replacements, and repairs.
-replace the .88 antenna and phaser harness.
- improve communications with membership via flyer or newsletter. (Be sure to give us your name and address & email address when you give your 2011 donation)
- continue to provide repeater operation on the ERA repeaters.
Respectfully submitted by Kathi Gregoire on behalf of the ERA board.