Eaglehead Repeater Association Board meeting April 7, 2011

Present: Bob Leo, W7LR; Harley Leach, KI7XF; Jim Hall, AA8Y; Rob Maher, NR7B; Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI. Guests: Ric Helvey, KB7KB; Vivian Linden, K7CUB

Discussed replacing .88 antenna and phasing harness. Harley knows of a potential donation of phasing harness and antenna. Repair date dependent on weather and getting a ride on helicopter when other entities have work done on the site. Will try to announce when repairs will be done (helicopter ride can up suddenly) so anyone wanting to hike to the site can do so and help & view the site. Probably sometime in June or July.

Little Apple wants to put their camera on our tower. Harley asked them about RF.

Discussed repair to the .82 -.88 link. Weather dependent but planned sometime this summer.

Discussed ERA's finances. Currently ERA owes Harley about $1,800. We decided to request $1,000 from GHRC and Bob said ERA could pay $700. And we're all hoping the above mentioned donation of antenna and phasing harness comes through.

Discussed the positive offset .88 downtown and that it currently does not identify. Identifiers run about $100. Harley said he could build one. The guy wires need to be fixed on this tower.