Eaglehead Repeater Association
Annual Membership Meeting
February 2, 2012 (postponed from January, 2012)
Prepared by Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI
Brief explanation and description of ERA for newer hams: .88, .82, .72, 7.7
At the last membership meeting the membership approved the current board: Don Godward, N7FLT appointed by GHRC president for 2011 (was recently re-appointed for 2012); Rob Maher, N7RB as trustee; Harley Leach, KI7XF as trustee; Dave Ford, KE7CAP as elected by membership, is also second signer for ERA financials -- his seat is up for election this year; Jim Hall, AA8Y has 1 year remaining to his term; Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI, President and Secretary, has 2 years remaining. Bob Leo, W7LR is serving as Treasurer.
In the past year the board has:
-fielded a request for a third user at our .82 site on Buck Ridge. Early in our investigation the Forest Service barred any further users at the site.
- worked to repair the .82 repeater and its link to the .88. Currently, the .82 is functional locally but is intermittent to none functional as a link with the .88.
- progressed in our goal for financial security. We're not there yet, but we've improved.
- purposed to replace the .88 antenna and phaser harness.
- struggled with the weather window for repairs -- there was lots of snow for most of the repair season for both the .82 and the .88.
- did not begin a newsletter or flyer as was planned. It is recommended the membership of ERA read the monthly ERA report in the GHRC minutes which are posted on W7ED.com
End of year money numbers:
checking account: $1,142.00
savings: $403.72
Expenses: Bridger site fee -- $448.00; Insurance -- $172; Montana Sec. of State -- $15.00 (maintains our certificate of incorporation); Repairs -- receipts are still coming in
Income: approx. $1,400 from - member contributions:; race donations: Bridger Ridge Run, Xterra
Election of board member
currently held by Dave Ford, KE7CAP
Board members are required to be licensed amateur radio operators of any class.
Board recommends Dave Ford and Cyrus to be voted on by membership.
Per the by-laws the election is by simple majority on written ballot. Only ERA members are eligible to vote.
In the coming year the board aims to:
-continue to improve ERA's financial situation. With the ultimate goal of attaining a suitable reserve for unexpected costs, replacements, and repairs.
- stabilize the .82 - .88 link
- move the .72 machine to the new Fire Station in West Yellowstone when the facility is complete. This makes access to the .72 significantly easier and should not be a detriment to the signal.
- continue to provide repeater operation on the ERA repeaters.
Respectfully submitted by Kathi Gregoire, N7UNI, on behalf of the ERA board.