GHRC CLUB MEETING April 1, 2010 – 7 PM


President Todd Gahagan WA7U, Vice President Allan Schrum AI4RO

Secretary Don Wilson KC7EWZ, Treasurer Harley Leach KI7XF

Todd Gahagan WA7U, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.


Secretary’s report (KC7EWZ):

The Minutes were amended to include the following three items:

Treasures report (KI7XF):


Call for announcements:

Thanks to Harley for distributing lists of GHRC members

Allan is still looking for ideas for club presentations.

Please pay dues to GHRC (20.00) and ERA (30.00) if you haven’t.


Reported that in a fairly large class there were some failures, several techs and a tech general


A lost child who was found. A PLB search that was probably a false deployment from the ski hill


Met just before this meeting. They developed a plan for the next meeting which will be May 6th.

88 net: (K7CUB):

Need another person for the 3rd week of the month.

Ray Babcock is recovering from an unsuccessful brain surgery to halt his tremors.

ERL tower:

Several people met to check it out. The raising cable is ok. The electric winch is shot. It was erected in 1970 and is a TRI-X. Tom AB5CK will do some research regarding parts for it.

New Business:


It was decided to not have a hamfest this October.

There will be a picnic in July or August


Every 1st and 3rd Sat of the month

Meeting adjourned

Respectfully submitted

Don Wilson KC7EWZ