Introductions. Secretarial report on the club web site. VE exams Saturday gam room 632.

Party Dec 7 at 6pm Gran Tree Inn (It was great). Next meeting at SMS January 8, 2004.

KC7EWZ, S&R report. Dispatcher training for lat/long use. Bids received for S&R building. 911 still cant locate GPS users.

Treasurers report, $1480.

KI7XF report. 7.7 has a spur - may have to move. New 82 controller shipped. N70DN report. Book notice on web site. Distributed tech class notices. New trifold is available. Will buy new video, $75 approved. Needs publicity for class. Portable repeater used to find lost hunter.

Hamfest October 16, 2004.

New officers: President KI70J; VP N7FLT; Secretary AA8Y; Treasurer KI7XF. N7FLT collected program ideas.

Bob Leo, W7LR, Secretary. Dec 28, 2003