May 2013 Minutes


Allan Schrum AI4RO President

Eric Anderson KF7OLR Treasurer

Falicia Anderson KF7TAH Secretary

Bob Leo W7LR

Dale Heidner W7NAY

Irma Heidner

Todd Gahagan WA7U

Wayd Walker KF7LVF

Don Wilson KC7EWZ

Harley Leach KI7XF

Bruce Walker KE7SJZ

Jim Hall AA8Y

Don Godward N7FLT

Larry A. Springer K6PJ

Rich Michau W7AMT

Kristopher Meredith


Allan Schrum AI4RO called the meeting to order @ 7:02 PM. Followed by introductions


Old Business:

Minutes approved

~ Rich Michau W7AMT approved, seconded by Allan Schrum AI4RO


Treasurer's report: Presented by Eric Anderson KF7OLR

Collected $60.00 paid out $124/ PO Box, $250/ERA, $250/MARLA, Ending Balance of $2,218.72

~Reminder: Dues are $20 for Individual, $25 for family.

VE Testing: Next session June 8th and on Field Day (Field Day is June 22-23rd, 2013)

~ A special session was held last week, 2 passed, 1 did not

ERA: Balance of $1,900.00

~$600 and something was given to Harley Leach KI7XF for antennas

~Web page is mostly accurate except for the board members; Harley will look web page over

~Would like to keep ERA files in ham room

SAR: Not much lately

School Club: School club is over for this school season.

~Thanks to everyone for helping out with the year end for hunt.

~Thank you to everyone who ran the club throughout the year.

88 Net: Normal 1-4 check-ins

~Reminder: The 88 Net is held every Tuesday night at 8pm on 146.88 –offset 100mghrtz tone. Anyone is welcomed to check in!

Foxhunt: One was held, there will be training tomorrow and one on Saturday in Townsend

HF: Flux is high again-sporadic

Roster: Falicia Anderson KF7TAH will email roster to all hams with an email on the roster

~This has been done; if you did not receive an email (recently) with the roster please email Falicia @

Greater Yellowstone Cycle Jerry Gregoire KD7WLX has been in communication with the Billings coms

~Reminder: prepare to help in August, we need at least 6-7 hams per day, our com area is from West Yellowstone to Gardiner


New Business:

Field Day: June 22-23, 2013

~Discussion was held

~Same drill, same place, same time!

~Please, if you are available to help set the antennas and tents up on FRIDAY that would be much appreciated

Public Service Event, Bozeman Triathlon we will not do as a club, you can still do as an individual

Walk MS We do not support this as a club, too short of notice, agreed upon by the club; you can still do as an individual

Blazing Saddles signup sheet was passed around

All Events Todd Gahagan WA7U will periodically send out reminders

Club Picnic Coordinator: Don Wilson KC7EWZ, will be held on Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

Repeater + offset repeater is back in service, Thank you Harley Leach KI7XF

~ Don Wilson KC7EWZ motioned for the club to donate $ to Harley, motion was seconded by Bruce Walker KE7SJZ and approved

~+147.48 146.28 88-





·         Can anyone offer to bring snacks for next month? They can be bought; they don't have to be homemade snacks.


Meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM by Allan Schrum AI4RO

~ Rich Michau W7AMT motioned, Larry A. Springer K6PJ seconded


Thanks to Wayd Walker KF7LVF for a great presentation on his new radio transmitter

~Baofeng UV-3RT


Respectfully submitted,

Falicia Anderson KF7TAH