Nov 6th, 2003 GHRC minutes


Treasurer report:  $1514

GHRC listed in QST for BPL donation

WA7U $625 parts account balance – will order new parts soon

Brian Mastel: kudos for L&C marathon work, dontated $100 to GHRC

LDS letter: thanks for expo help

ARRL letter: thanks for BPL donation

KC7EWZ gave hamfest report.

Moved to hold hamfest next October. Exact date not set.

N7ODN gave book sale report.  Moved to liquidate inventory.

KC7EWZ gave S&R “lost hunter” rescue

N7ODN reported Tech class Feb 17 19 24 26 and 6 Mar

Dec 6 VE session

Old business: motion passed for club to pay Christmas dinner tip

N7ODN discussed club flyer

K7CUB reported that an officer selection committee was formed

AA7GK gave an interesting solder demonstration.


Bob Leo, W7LR, secretary   Dec. 4th 2003