October 2013 Minutes


Allan Schrum AI4RO President

Jerry Gregoire KD7WLX Vice President

Eric Anderson KF7OLR Treasurer

Falicia Anderson KF7TAH Secretary

Ted Hundtoft KA7QCY

Wayd Walker KF7LVF

Bruce Walker KE7SJZ

Cyrus Smith NU7Q

Jim Shelden K7ORA

Jim Hall AA8Y

Patrick Lokken KE7IGJ

Don Wilson KC7EWZ

Jerry McDonald W7FVB


Allan Schrum AI4RO called the meeting to order @ 7:08 PM. Followed by introductions


Old Business:

Minutes approved

~ Wayd Walker KF7LVF approved minutes, seconded by Bruce Walker KE7SJZ

Treasurer's report: Eric Anderson KF7OLR Treasurer, Ending balance $1,469.61 (same as last month)

VE Testing: NA

ERA: Work is being done to get a sight permit

SAR: 2 climbers stranded at Neat Rock, Practice Rock recovery

School Club: Starts October 14

88 Net: Every Tuesday

Foxhunt: NA


Greater Yellowstone Cycle: Debrief Meeting went well, discussion was held on lessons learned, things that could go better next year, $ that was submitted. A Check from CGY will go to Eric Anderson KF7OLR, Treasurer and he will be getting checks out to those who need reimbursed


·         September 14, 2013 Tour DeCure, Jerry Gregoire KD7WLX- went well, no hiccups. Thanks to everyone who help out in one way or another. TDC has permanent permission for use of repeater spot

·         September 14, 2013 Belgrade Fall Fest, Norm Reger KD7TQM- went well


New Business:




Meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM by Allan Schrum AI4RO

Bruce Walker KE7SJZ motioned, Jim (?) seconded


Respectfully submitted,

Falicia Anderson KF7TAH