October 3rd, 2002 GHRC meeting minutes


Introductions, secretaries report ok'd, treasurers report balance $795.


Oct 7th pancake breakfast at fairgrounds


KC7EWZ gave an S&R report. Funding discussion took place. A county grant may help with an S&R repeater at High Flats. Rescue reports were given. 


N7FLT and KI7OJ reported on the hospital coax installation.


There is a new 88 battery and charger; and the 82 machine is going.


The Lewis and Clark marathon was reported.


N7ODN proposed training classes and a VE session in Nov and Dec.


Phone tree and Christmas dinner memos were given out.


AA7GK said the IRLT effort is progressing; and the airport drill is Oct 12th.


KC7EWZ gave an extensive presentation regarding the Bozeman hamfest Oct 12th.


It was moved that anyone can win raffle prizes.


WA7U requested information on the Eaglehead finances.  I didn’t have the figures then.  They are $394.65 checking, and $827.77 savings account.  Some expenses have been for: TS120S repair, Bridger site use, battery and charger, UHF link duplexers, insurance, and miscellaneous.


There will be a talk on wilderness medicine Nov 4th at 7 pm at the fairgrounds.


There was a S&R helicopter training session Oct 6th at Central Copters.


There will be an ICS200 class Oct 8th.


Robert Leo, W7LR, 10/6/02