GHRC meeting minutes, Sept. 5th 2002 meeting.

Meeting called to order by K7CUB and introductions followed.

A field day report was given. A letter from Park County was read, thanking the hams for the Granite Peak rescue communications effort. VE’s are needed Saturday. Is a class needed in the fall? Any book orders?

W7LR presented a proposal for the GHRC Christmas Dinner Gran Tree Inn on December 8th. This passed after a motion and vote. Details elsewhere in the newsletter. Signup and payment will take place at future club meetings.

KC7EWZ – the SAR board meeting was cancelled.

Sept 29th Lewis and Clark marathon – Sunday all day. Airport drill October 12th (also our hamfest day). The hamfest comes first. AA7GK will explore this conflict.

Sept 21st Belgrade fall festival. Need 5 hams. Contact AA7GK. 8 to 11 am.

W7LR gave a Bridger report on the new power system and on the 88 repeater.

KI7XF has rebuilt the 82 repeater. Surplus Conoco base stations may be available for possible 88 upgrades.

KC7EWZ discussed the hamfest. $500 for prizes was voted upon.

KE7X discussed Radio Shack wx radios and possible alerting functions. These are available for $39. Fred also showed a map that gave the consequences of a break in the Hyalite Dam – not good. How should a break alert be accomplished?

Bob Leo, W7LR, GHRC Secretary.