
Bozeman Bridger Repeater Net — VHF 146.88

This net meets each Tuesday evening at 8 PM Montana Time. T
The net is general purpose, all topics of discussion are encouraged.

One licensed amateur known as “Net Control” will run the Net
Net Control will  use the “Net Preamble” 
  as a guideline covering how to run the net. 
Please feel free to download for your review
—   146.88 Bridger Repeater Net Preamble 

Montana HF Traffic Net

This Net is part of the National Traffic System and Handles Traffic with all States, Canada and all Other parts of the World where Third Party Traffic is Allowed.

The Montana HF Traffic Net meets at Zero Hour Thirty Minutes (0030) on or near 3910 kHZ every Monday – Saturday

Be sure to listen to how it works before you jump in.

MSU Club [W7YB] Net

As of February 2024 — following recent holiday break at MSU 
* MSU-W7YB – Simplex Net  — VHF  ~ 145.000 MHz
   Monday evenings    8:30 PM
* MSU-W7YB – Repeater Net — UHF ~ KI7XF repeater
   Thursday evenings  8:00 PM

KI7XF repeater
uplink 442.70 MHz | downlink 447.70 MHz | PL tone  77.0 Hz

frequency     =  447.70  MHz
offset (neg)   =  -5  MHz
CTCSS (PL)    =  77.0  Hz

Caroline Conolly <>
invites members of the ham community to arrange
a convenient date to visit the W7YB station ::
Cobleigh Hall 633 MSU campus, during a Simplex-Net meeting

W7YB Amateur “Ham” Radio Club at MSU

W7YB Simplex Net – MSU Calendar


The Old Man International Sideband Society is a Net that meets on different days and times on the 10 through 160 meter bands. 
 If you like single sideband or are new ham then give this Net a try
BTW — the Net is not simply for “Old Men”
they have a YL, a lady, as their President.

Wyoming Cowboy Net

This Net meets daily (Monday – Friday) at 00:45 UTC on the 80 meter band at 3.923 MHz.


ARRL Online Net Directory Search

You can use the ARRL Online Net Directory Search
to find additional Nets that are local to Montana
or find Nets that anywhere around the world.

Nets found in Montana on December 4, 2017