At the beginning of each year our members pay their GHRC dues
We also contribute donations to the local repeater associations
- Annual dues for GHRC are (a) Single $20.00 or (b) Family $25.00
- For ERA [ Eaglehead Repeater Association ] suggested $30.00
- For MRLA [ Montana Repeater Link Association ] donate $50.00
Dues and contributions for either of these organizations can be
(a) mailed to the club — GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT 59772
(b) paid directly to Harley Leach KI7XF or Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS
(c) brought to a monthly club meeting
(d) paid online using PayPal
Please make checks payable to either organization :
- Gallatin Ham Radio Club
- Eaglehead Repeater Association
- Montana Repeater Link Association
We have web links to PayPal for both GHRC and ERA
* Use one of the “Send Money” boxes below
* Use the yellow PayPal button for GHRC dues
* Use the link
* Click on any image below — these are web links

To make payments online using PayPal — login to your account
For help use this link — How Do I Pay ?
Select “Send and Request” and then “Send“
In the search box
enter one of two Items — @gallatinhamradio | @eaglehead
These are “” links that help you send money
They lead to a form where you can enter the amount [ $20 | $30 ]
There is no “” account for MRLA — see our page MRLA