March 2021 (unofficial) Minutes
March 4, 2021
Norm Reger KD7TQM President
Ronnie Woods AI7DK Vice President
Eric Anderson AC7V Treasurer
Falicia Anderson KF7TAH Secretary
Rich Michau W7AMT
Ralph Bergantine KC7PFH
Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS
Walt Weaver KB0VHB
Gary Gramer KI7QVZ
Bruce Walker KJ7SJZ
Leon Helms N6VS
Matt Cloninger KJ7CTH
Skeet Archer KI7LXF
Due to the Corona Virus, the March GHRC meeting was held by a directed net on the 88. GHRC President Norm Reger KD7TQM directed the meeting. Meetings will be held on the 88 until further notice. Minutes will be taken but will not be official
Call to Order: Norm Reger KD7TQM called the meeting to order @7:00 P.M. on the 88 frequency. There were 13 check-ins
Minutes: Minutes were not read. Minutes can be found on Gallatin Ham Webpage: Minutes are not official. If you have any corrections to the minutes please email Falicia Anderson KF7TAH at or bring the changes to attention on the net
Treasurer’s Report: Eric Anderson AC7V Treasurer- Starting balance of $1,380.80, Income of $250.00 in dues, No expenses; Ending balance of $1,630.80. No pay pal set up…mail is the best; GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
Ham test: Nothing reported
SAR: Matt Cloninger KJ7CTH-One incident involving a beehive in Big Sky. Jason Ravenski is the new SAR training officer
ERA: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS-There has been sizable donations both through PayPal and by mail. PayPal donations will be acknowledged soon. We are still working on a grant from Oracle; they may match any contributions 1 for 1. Please hold off on sending contributions until this summer. Allan Schrum AI4RO is currently working this. Thank You. Insurance is due soon
88 Repeater: Nothing reported
MRLA dues/donations would be greatly appreciated as well as ERA and GHRC dues
88 Net: Nothing reported
Foxhunt: Nothing reported
HF: Norm Reger KD7TQM-besides the Sunday morning check-ins there’s not much going on
DMR: Nothing reported
APRS: Nothing Reported
MRLA: Dues/donations would be greatly appreciated
Old Business: No old business
New Business:
• Club dues due for 2021; GHRC, ERA and MRLA
o ERA: We are working on a grant from Oracle, they may match any contributions 1 for 1. Please hold off on sending contributions until later this summer. Thank You
• Secretary and Treasurer: GHRC is looking for a new secretary and treasurer
• Discussion on holding the GHRC meeting via net-We will continue to meet on the 88 at 7pm on the first Thursday of the month for the next month or so
• Ronnie Woods AI7DK Vice President has a group together and they have been planning new programs and ideas for 2021. There have been a lot of good suggestions. There will be 13 to 14 programs coming up. A few include a tour of the railroad facility by Pat Sands, ARRL presentations by Paul Stiles on Zoom and Moon bounce in the fall by Jene
• Field Day-Raiders Burg: Discussion is to be held on whether or not this will be a club sponsored event
• CGY (Cycle Greater Yellowstone): Looking for operators willing to operate around Butte. Contact Bruce Walker KJ7SJZ
Announcements/Reminders/Comments: No Announcements/Reminders/Comments
Presentations: No presentation
~Presentations will be via Zoom. All info will be put on the reflector
GHRC 2021 Events Schedule
• Field Day-Raiders Burg
• Bridger Ridge Run-July (more info to come) Ralph Bergantine KC7PFH
• Blazing Saddles-July 17th Ralph Bergantine KC7PFH
• Winter Field Day-(end of January 2022)
Meeting Adjourned @ 7:38 P.M.
Next Meeting: April 1st, 2021 PLEASE READ!
• Due to the Corona Virus we will be having the June GHRC meeting by RADIO on the 88
Minutes respectfully submitted by Falicia Anderson KF7TAH
• All minutes can be found on W7ED Website:
W7ED Club Information:
Gallatin Ham Radio Club address: GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
W7ED Website:
Facebook: Montana Ham Radio
Email group (yahoo group)/Reflector:
Yearly Due Information:
-GHRC Dues; $10 for student, $20 for single member, $25 for family. Please give check or cash to
Eric Anderson AC7V GHRC Treasurer, there is no PayPal account at this time, mail is best; GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
– ERA Dues; Suggested annual $30, can be paid online with PayPal or sent to the Eaglehead Repeater Association, POB 4381, Bozeman, MT 59772-438
-MRLA Dues; Donation based: suggested annual due of $50. Paid to Harley Leach KI7XF or sent to Montana Repeater Link Association, c/o Harley Leach, 4620 Conestoga Circlle
Bozeman, MT 59715
2021 GHRC Officers:
President: Norm Reger KD7TQM
Vice President: Ronnie Woods AI7DK
Treasurer: Available (Eric Anderson AC7V)
Secretary: Available (Falicia Anderson KF7TAH)