April 2020 Minutes
April 2, 2020
Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS President
Vice President
Eric Anderson AC7V Treasurer
Falicia Anderson KF7TAH Secretary
Todd Gahagan WA7U
Brandon Dietrich K7BXQ
James Sheehan KJ7LVT
Matt Cloninger KJ7CTH
Bruce Walker KE7SJZ
Ralph Bergantine KC7PFH
Jim Hall AA8Y
Robert Kincaid K7RND
Harley Leach KI7XF
Norm Reager KD7TQM
Renee Reger KF7DER
Rich Michau W7AMT
Jim Hall AA8Y
Wayd Walker WA7YD
Leon Helms N6VS
Skeet Archer W7LFX
James Pendleton KG7NXO
Daryl Lamour KG7KCU
Robin Hickman KG7RAV
Robert Maher NR7B
Due to the Corona Virus and “Shelter in Place” order the April GHRC meeting was held by a directed net on the 88. Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS lead the net/meeting.
Call to Order: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS called the meeting to order @7:00 PM. on the 88 frequency. There were 23 check-ins
Minutes: Minutes can be found on Gallatin Ham Webpage: gallatinhamradio.com. If you have any corrections to the March minutes you can email Falicia Anderson KF7TAH at kf7tah@yahoo.com
Treasurer’s Report: Eric Anderson AC7V Treasurer; starting balance of $1,583.90, income of $200.00 in dues, 0 expenses, ending balance of $1783.90
Ham test: Harley Leach KI7X- There were 12 scheduled takers, 2 no shows. Everyone passed, 1 failed to upgrade. Licenses were not issued for 2 weeks after possibly due to virus. There has been a request for another test session but due to the virus this will be postponed for now
ERA: Officers; Harley Leach KI7XF President, Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS Treasurer
• Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS put in for a grant to help with insurance and rent on Bridger Ridge. The grant is through Crazy Mountain Ranch. They have 2 repeaters on Bridger Ridge also. The grant has been approved but the amount is not known at this time
• Dues for ERA are due. You can pay through pay pal or give Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS a call or an officer
SAR: Nothing reported
88 Net: Wayd Walker WA7YD-net has been going really well with quite a few check-ins and enough control operators
Foxhunt: Harley Leach KI7XF-There has been no foxhunts in a while. When the weather turns good an email will be sent out
HF: Todd Gahagan WA7U-20 meters, fta bands been good in northern Europe, Italy and Spain
Evening net don’t forget…Mt Net too
DMR: Norm Reager KD7TQM- going really well. Theres a few more stations on. Thank you Todd Gahagan WA7U for helping set up a DMR radio for a HAM in Helena. Please give DMR a shot it’s a lot of fun
APRS: Nothing reported
NYAR/Gardiner repeater: Nothing reported
Old Business:
• Summer BBQ: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS July 9th, Thursday. Still need a place
• New HAM Involvement; James Sheehan KJ7LVT as a new HAM please respond to a call thrown out, it’s discouraging when no one answers
New Business:
Presentations: No presentation
~If you’d like to do a presentation please talk to Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS or bring it up at the next meeting. Anything would be fun
• May:
• June:
GHRC 2020 Events Schedule
• Field Day: June 27th & 28th; still looking for a place.
Possible cancelation, Nothing definitive at this point
possible place by Raiderberg
• Summer BBQ: July 9th, Neil Ramhorst KL7JG; Place:
• Payton Memorial/Blazing Saddles: July 11th
• Cycle Greater Yellowstone: August 9th-14th; Jim Halfpenny K9YNP;
• Bridger Ridge Run: August 15th *not canceled as of yet
• Belgrade Fall Fest:
Meeting Adjourned @ 7:45 P.M.
Next Meeting: May 7th PLEASE READ!
• Due to the Corona Virus and “Shelter in Place Order” we may be having the May GHRC meeting by RADIO again. We will keep you posted
Minutes respectfully submitted by Falicia Anderson KF7TAH
• All minutes can be found on W7ED Website: gallatinhamradio.com
W7ED Club Information:
Gallatin Ham Radio Club address: GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
W7ED Website: gallatinhamradio.com
Facebook: Montana Ham Radio
Email group (yahoo group)/Reflector: w7ed@yahoo.com
Yearly Due Information:
-GHRC Dues; $10 for student, $20 for single member, $25 for family. Please give check or cash to
Eric Anderson AC7V GHRC Treasurer, there is no PayPal account at this time
– ERA Dues; Suggested annual $30, can be paid online with PayPal
-MRLA Dues; Donation based: suggested annual due of $50. Paid to Harley Leach KI7XF
2020 GHRC Officers:
President: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS
Vice President: Available
Treasurer: Eric Anderson AC7V
Secretary: Falicia Anderson KF7TAH