November 2018 Meeting Minutes

November 2018 Minutes

Bruce Walker KE7SJZ President
Falicia Anderson KF7TAH Secretary
Don Godward N7FLT
Harley Leach KI7XF
Larry Hayden KF7L
Wayd Walker WA7YD
Gary Gramer KI7QVC
Norm Reger KD7TQM
Renee Reger KF7DER
David Hohmann AG7DF
Cyrus Smith NU7Q
Rich Michau W7AMT

*quorum not met

Call to Order: Bruce Walker KE7SJZ called the meeting to order @7:00 PM. Followed by introductions.
Minutes: Not enough attending members to approve the minutes
Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance; $859.83. There was income from dues of $20 plus a $500 donation from the Wind Drinkers for helping with the Ridge Run. Ending Balance; $1,379.83
• GHRC received a donation of $20 from Bill Ritchen AB7LG who lives in California
Ham test: Next test is December 8th
ERA: Nothing reported
-Bridger Building
SAR: One missing lady and a threatened suicide.
• SAR Hams participated in the Mass Causality Exercise at the airport. The SAR Hams were staged at the hospital. There was quite a turn out and a good crew. The event went better than it has in 15 years
88 Net: Wayd Walker WA7YD- Good, the 88s making noise
Foxhunt: Harley Leach KI7XF- There was a foxhunt after the last meeting. No foxhunts planned
HF: Don Godward N7FLT- HF has been up and down
DMR: Rich Michau W7AMT-DMR has been crazy
APRS: The same

Old Business:
• North Yellowstone Amateur Radio Club: David Hohmann AG7DF- repeater is running exceptionally well. The club will be having their first meeting in late November
• Website Updates: David Hohmann AG7DF-New “upcoming events” page with links. The repeater page has been updated
• Winter Field Day: Wayd Walker WA7YD-Location is at the Headwaters State Park Campground. There will be wall tents and the club trailer. BYO-Chili to add to the chili pot on Saturday night

New Business:
• GHRC Officer Election-The GHRC will be electing officers in December. If you are interested please talk to one of the current officers. All positions are open. You must have been a member of the GHRC for at least one year

• GHRC Christmas Dinner- We are open to suggestions on a location. The dinner usually happens in January or February

Meeting Adjourned @ 7:22 P.M.

Next month:

Minutes respectfully submitted by Falicia Anderson KF7TAH

W7ED Club Information:
Gallatin Ham Radio Club address: GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
W7ED Website:
Facebook: Montana Ham Radio
Email group (yahoo group)/Reflector:

Yearly Due Information:
-GHRC Dues; $10 for student, $20 for single member, $25 for family. Please give check or cash to
Eric Anderson AC7V GHRC Treasurer, there is no PayPal account at this time
– ERA Dues; Suggested annual $30, can be paid online with PayPal or given to Ray Harbeck
KG7RAU ERA President
-MRLA Dues; can be paid to Harley Leach KI7XF

GHRC 2019 EVENTS Schedule
• Winter Field Day: Wayd Walker WA7YD-January 26-27
@Headwaters State park Campground
• Field Day: June 22-23
• Bridger Ridge Run:
• Belgrade Fall Fest:
• Ham Fest: