Tag Archives: September

September Meeting Minutes

September 2021 Minutes
September 2, 2021

Norm Reger KD7TQM President
Ronnie Woods AI7DK Vice President
Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS Treasurer
Falicia Anderson KF7TAH Secretary
Gary Gramer KI7QVZ
Larry Hayden KF7L
Rich Michau W7AMT
Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS
Gene Shea KB7Q
Todd Gahagen WA7U
Jim Hall AA8Y
Matt Hopkins K3HOP
Bill Noble KJ7HPC
Don Wilson KC7EWZ
Harley Leach KI7XF
Curtis DeVault W0GIS
Ralph Bergantine KC7PFH
George Siverts AG7YP
Jeremy Chvilicek KJ7TUJ
Leon Helms N6VS

The GHRC September meeting was held in person at the SAR building. GHRC President Norm Reger KD7TQM directed the meeting.

Call to Order: Norm Reger KD7TQM called the meeting to order @7:00 P.M.
Minutes: Minutes were not read. Minutes can be found on Gallatin Ham Webpage: gallatinhamradio.com. If you have any corrections to the minutes please email Falicia Anderson KF7TAH at kf7tah@yahoo.com or bring the changes to attention at the next meeting. Due to the Corona Virus and holding meetings via net on the 88 there have been no official minutes since April.
~Thank you to Matt Hopkins K3HOP. Matt will be taking over the position of secretary in the next few months.
Treasurer’s Report Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS Treasurer- Starting balance of $1,616.80, Income in dues, No expenses; ending balance about $1,800.00
~A huge Thank You to Eric Anderson AC7V for holding the treasurer position since 2012. Your time and effort is much appreciated. Thank you to Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS for taking over that position
Ham test: Nothing reported
SAR: Curtis DeVault W0GIS-There has been an official division of the sheriff’s office. There is talk of a new building in Four Corners. The original SAR room will be kept.
• SAR HAMS have been renamed to SAR coms. The SAR coms still want to be affiliated with the GHRC
• SAR calls this year: 106, Average year: 98, mostly medical calls
ERA: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS- A lot of HAM equipment was donated and sold, about $2,000 worth. Thanks to W7FJB’s family (Call sign may not be correct)
• The ERA balance is now 2,223.48
• Insurance runs about $300-500 per year. Discussion was held whether to keep insured or to let it go
MRLA: Dues/donations would be greatly appreciated as well as ERA and GHRC dues
88 Net: Matt Hopkins K3HOP-Lots of new hams checking in. Most of which do not attend the GHRC. Net could possibly be revised to get more involved with the club
Foxhunt: Harley Leach KI7XF-There has been a few, good turnout. It has been fun. Will have them when we can
HF: Nothing Reported
DMR: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS- Wyoming programmed and ready to be put in. All others are working great
APRS: Nothing Reported
MRLA: Dues/donations would be greatly appreciated

Old Business: No old business

New Business:
• GHRC liability insurance: voted to keep
• Repeater Insurance: voted to drop
• W7ED Trailer: discussion on whether to keep or let go. Will be voted on at a later meeting
• Matt Hopkins K3HOP-volunteered to take over the secretary position. Thank you
• Bozeman Ice Climbing Event- Matt Hopkins K3HOP-Would like more comm help
• Livingston 146.91 100HZ-MRLA; new repeater from Quinn Peak to Myers Flat to Eagles Nest. Repeater at Grey Cliff is broken

Announcements/Reminders/Comments: No Announcements/Reminders/Comments

Presentations: Thank you to Gene Shea KB7Q for a great presentation on moon bounce.
~ Octobers presentation will be on DMR given by Tom Gasta WR7AGT

GHRC 2021 Events Schedule
• Field Day; Raiders Burg-unofficial but had a good time
• Bridger Ridge Run; Ralph Bergantine KC7PFH-turned out good
• Blazing Saddles; Ralph Bergantine KC7PFH-successful, no causalities, possibly last year for it
• Winter Field Day-(end of January 2022)

Meeting Adjourned @ 8:00 P.M.

Next Meeting: October 7th, 2021 7p.m. in the SAR building

Minutes respectfully submitted by Falicia Anderson KF7TAH
• All minutes can be found on W7ED Website: gallatinhamradio.com

W7ED Club Information:
Gallatin Ham Radio Club address: GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
W7ED Website: gallatinhamradio.com
Facebook: Montana Ham Radio
Email group (yahoo group)/Reflector: w7ed@yahoo.com

Yearly Due Information:
-GHRC Dues; $10 for student, $20 for single member, $25 for family. Please give check or cash to
Eric Anderson AC7V GHRC Treasurer, there is no PayPal account at this time, mail is best; GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
– ERA Dues; Suggested annual $30, can be paid online with PayPal or sent to the Eaglehead Repeater Association, POB 4381, Bozeman, MT 59772-438
-MRLA Dues; Donation based: suggested annual due of $50. Paid to Harley Leach KI7XF or sent to Montana Repeater Link Association, c/o Harley Leach, 4620 Conestoga Circlle
Bozeman, MT 59715

2021 GHRC Officers:
President: Norm Reger KD7TQM
Vice President: Ronnie Woods AI7DK
Treasurer: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS
Secretary: (Falicia Anderson KF7TAH) Matt Hopkins K3HOP


September 2020

September 3, 2020

Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS President
Eric Anderson AC7V Treasurer
Falicia Anderson KF7TAH Secretary
Rich Michau W7AMT
Gary Gramer KI7QVZ
Walter Weaver KB0VHB
Treavor Lanes KG7KCV
Michael Farrow K7SFC
Jeffrey Riedel KJ7IXV
Zhaun Paddock AI7BM
Bruce Walker KE7SJZ
Rick Smith KC7AWZ
James Hall AA8Y
Wayd Walker WA7YD
Norm Reger KD7TQM
Don Wilson KV7EWZ

Due to the Corona Virus and “Shelter in Place” order the September GHRC meeting was held by a directed net on the 88. Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS directed the meeting. No official meeting in July and August. Meetings will still be held on the 88 but no official notes will be taken.

Call to Order: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS called the meeting to order @7:00 P.M. on the 88 frequency. There were 16 check-ins
Minutes: Minutes were read. Minutes can be found on Gallatin Ham Webpage: gallatinhamradio.com. If you have any corrections to the June minutes you can email Falicia Anderson KF7TAH at kf7tah@yahoo.com
Treasurer’s Report: Eric Anderson AC7V Treasurer- starting balance of $1,587.90, $40 income; expenses of $63.90 for web site. Ending balance of $1,564.90
Ham test: Bruce Walker KE7SJZ- There is one scheduled for this weekend, September 5
SAR: Don Wilson KV7EWZ-multiple events per day, very busy with mutual aid and mountain rescue and searches. There is a big change in the mill levy. SAR shack will be cleaned this weekend/old equipment
ERA: Officers; Harley Leach KI7XF President-Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS Treasurer
Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS-There has been a couple generous donations. All bills were paid and thank yous were sent out. . A grant was applied for from the Crazy Mountain Ranch. Taxes will need to be done. Any takers on taxes? Harley Leach KI7XF donated a 4 MPR 2000 to the club
Treavor Lanes KG7KCV-working on APRS, it’s still kurchunking. It’s disabled right now. The new machine is more sensitive. Neil has a pass filter that can be used on the new repeater
88 Net: Wayd Walker WA7YD-Net has been quite busy, new call signs. Control operators are covered. The 88 is doing much better since the work. There has been check-ins from Helena, Butte and Big Timber
Foxhunt: Nothing Reported. Check emails/W7ED Reflector for more information
HF: Don Wilson KV7EWZ-Several groups at breakfast club said everything’s dried up, they are making contacts on FT8 and one guy contacted on whisper mode
Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS-The ARL report stated that they thought it was from sun spots and should pick up soon
DMR: Norm Reger KD7TQM-working fine
Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS-Madeville/50w, old ones been replaced. Old ones going to Horse Butte. It is being worked on right now and will be done with NPR
APRS: Nothing reported
NYAR/Gardiner repeater: Nothing reported
MRLA: Nothing reported

Old Business:
• Field Day- Bruce Walker KE7SJZ-There was about 10 attendees. The generator put out noise on the RF. Group had less than 12 contacts

New Business:
• Rich Michau W7AMT-No news on the Belgrade Fall Festival

  • Announcements/Reminders/Comments:
    • ERL Report: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS-proposing a $50 fee for getting/renewing licenses
    • Discussion on whisper mode and having trouble with the circuit breaker
  • Next Meeting: October 1st PLEASE READ!

Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS; Previous to the pandemic I had planned in conjunction with PBS Engineer Cyrus Smith, NU7Q, to have a field trip up to the High Flats transmitter site at 4-corners. This is where all of the TV and radio stations had to move when Green Mountain was torn town this last summer. My thoughts were it would be interesting to see how signals were broadcast and the equipment that is used. In addition to equipment I was going to utilize this trip to discuss grounding techniques as they apply to HAM radio.

We will have the meeting as follows:

Meet at my shop at 45 Contractor Drive near 4 corners at 6:30. We can car pool, or individuals that would rather drive by themselves can take their own vehicles to the High Flats site. The tour will take about 1 1/2 hours. After the tour we will adjourn.

I’m planning on a tour next month (November) of the PBS TV studios on campus.

Presentations: No presentation
~If you’d like to do a presentation please talk to Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS or bring it up at the next meeting. Anything would be fun
• November:
• December:

GHRC 2020 Events Schedule
• Field Day: June 27th & 28th; Crow Creek Campground
• Summer BBQ:
• Payton Memorial/Blazing Saddles: July 11th canceled
• Cycle Greater Yellowstone: August 9th-14th; Jim Halfpenny K9YNP;
• Bridger Ridge Run: August 15th canceled
• Belgrade Fall Fest:

Meeting Adjourned @ 7:43 P.M.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Falicia Anderson KF7TAH
• All minutes can be found on W7ED Website: gallatinhamradio.com

W7ED Club Information:
Gallatin Ham Radio Club address: GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
W7ED Website: gallatinhamradio.com
Facebook: Montana Ham Radio
Email group (yahoo group)/Reflector: w7ed@yahoo.com

Yearly Due Information:
-GHRC Dues; $10 for student, $20 for single member, $25 for family. Please give check or cash to
Eric Anderson AC7V GHRC Treasurer, there is no PayPal account at this time
– ERA Dues; Suggested annual $30, can be paid online with PayPal
-MRLA Dues; Donation based: suggested annual due of $50. Paid to Harley Leach KI7XF

2020 GHRC Officers:
President: Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS
Vice President: Available
Treasurer: Eric Anderson AC7V
Secretary: Falicia Anderson KF7TAH


September 2019 Meeting Minutes

September 5, 2019

Bruce Walker KE7SJZ President
Norm Reger KD7TQM Vice President
Falicia Anderson KF7TAH Secretary
Eric Anderson AC7V Treasurer
Harley Leach KI7XF
Don Godward N7FLT
Gary Gramer KI7QVZ
T Rozenbroek KB2BCG
Scott Bechtle KJ7DLC
Renee Reger KF7DER
Jim Hall AA8Y
Larry Hayden KF7L
Brad Heins
Rich Michau W7AMT
Chris Russell K8FLA
Ken Makos KK6GHA
Don Wilson KC7EWZ
Fischer Lord KM4VED

Call to Order: Bruce Walker KE7SJZ called the meeting to order @7:00 PM. Followed by introductions.
Treasurer’s Report: Eric Anderson AC7V-Beginning balance; $1,636.00 Income from dues of $40.00, $150.00 donation in remembrance of Fred Cady, Expenses; $50.00 for W7ED trailer, $150.00 for (Little Stinkers)Porta Potty, $80.00 Field Day Food, $24.00 Web Fee, $39.90 Web Name; Ending Balance; $1,482.10
Ham test: Bruce Walker KE7SJZ –Saturday, there are 7 takers scheduled
ERA: Harley Leach KI7XF-The ERA is now a tax exempt association. Rent for the repeater site is $1,500. There is currently $1,200 in the ERA account. Kay Newman presented the GHRC with a check for $250 from the Wind Drinkers Association for communications help during the Ridge Run. It was voted and agreed upon to give the $250 to the ERA. Discussions on Fundraiser ideas took place it was decided upon that the ERA board is responsible for planning the fundraisers
SAR: Don Wilson KC7EWZ-One Granite Peak Recue, three mutual aids, and one search for a missing Alzheimer patient
88 Net: Every Tuesday at 8pm on the 88 Repeater
Foxhunt: Harley Leach KI7XF-Had one ending at Murdocks hamburger feed
HF: Don Godward N7FLT-havent been on much. There has been good information on the hurricane
DMR: Rich Michau W7AMT- Busy, new contacts. South Africa being the best contact, other contacts include Europe and Australia
APRS: Norm Reger KD7TQM-APRS is working
Gardiner repeater/NYARC (North Yellowstone Armature Radio Club): Harley Leach KI7XF-Linking Bozeman Pass to other locations is working well.
• MRLA (Montana Radio Link Association)-Budget Finances are down in the dumps. Please consider donating

Old Business:
• Website Updates: Nothing reported
• Summer Field Day: June 22-24th. Field Day was fun, dry and there was one flat tire.
 A discussion for a different venue for the summer 2020 Field Day was held and it was agreed upon to have Field Day in Gateway at Bruce Walker KE7SJZ friend’s campground. Camping per night is $15 for nonelectrical site and $25 for electrical. Bathrooms are provided so no porta potty is needed. There are some trees. Bruce will reserve for 2020.
• Ridge Run: Thanks to all the volunteers! David Summerfield sent a nice appreciation letter to the club. Kay Newman N7ZHN presented the GHRC with a check for $250 from the Wind Drinkers Association for communications help during the Ridge Run.
• Belgrade Fall Fest: Norm Reger KD7TQM-September 21st Still need volunteers, meet at the soccer fields about 7:30 am parade starts at 10am
• Cycle Greater Yellowstone: Bruce Walker KE7SJZ-The race was six days long. It was really cool. Looking for volunteers for next year. It will be held in the Butte/Dillon area. Call Ron Glass WN7Y @ 406-690-9441 to volunteer.
• Blazing Saddles would like help on September 14. Contact Don Godward N7FLT

New Business:

• Silent Key; Fred Cady KE7X; Memorial Service will be held at the Lindley Center, 1102 East Kurtis, this Sunday, September 8th. There will be beer and brats. Looking for help to serve beer and brats
• Holiday Dinner: Don Wilson KC7EWZ-Farmhouse Café offers a buffet style, one choice of entrée for a dinner party. The whole restaurant is closed to the public at night. Beer and wine can be brought in and consumed but no hard liquor. Don will check into the farmhouse café more
• Next Ham Meeting is September 3rd

Meeting Adjourned @ 8:00 P.M.

• September: No Presentation
• October: Harley Leach KI7XF-Seminar on Repeaters
~ If you’d like to do a presentation please talk to Norm Reger KD7TQM or bring it up at the next meeting

GHRC 2019 EVENTS Schedule
• No upcoming events

Minutes respectfully submitted by Falicia Anderson KF7TAH

W7ED Club Information:
Gallatin Ham Radio Club address: GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
W7ED Website: gallatinhamradio.com
Facebook: Montana Ham Radio
Email group (yahoo group)/Reflector: w7ed@yahoo.com

Yearly Due Information:
-GHRC Dues; $10 for student, $20 for single member, $25 for family. Please give check or cash to
Eric Anderson AC7V GHRC Treasurer, there is no PayPal account at this time
– ERA Dues; Suggested annual $30, can be paid online with PayPal or given to Ray Harbeck
KG7RAU ERA President
-MRLA Dues; can be paid to Harley Leach KI7XF

September 2018 Meeting Minutes

September 2018 Minutes

Bruce Walker KE7SJZ President
Falicia Anderson KF7TAH Secretary
Eric Anderson AC7V Treasurer
Don Godward N7FLT
Wayd Walker WA7YD
Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS
Harley Leach KI7XF
Todd Gahagen WA7U
David Hohmann AG7DF
Rich Michau W7AMT
Jim Hall AA8Y
Skeet Archer KI7YYS
Norm Reger KD7TQM
Leon Helms N6VS
Ray Harbeck KG7RAU
Cody Harbeck KG7TLQ
Tori Harbeck
Jerry Gregoire N7JGG
Kathi Gregoire N7UNI
Curtis DeVault W0GIS
Don Wilson KC7EW
Stan Horst KA6ZFL
John Benson N7JLD

Call to Order: Bruce Walker KE7SJZ called the meeting to order @7:00 PM. Followed by introductions.
Minutes: Accepted with minor changes
Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance; $1,751.45 with money paid out for field day expenses and rent for the w7ed trailer, Ending Balance; $859.73
Ham test: Saturday, September 8th
-Bridger Building-Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS; the building is up, 85% completed. It is operational. In the process of moving equipment
SAR: Don Wilson KC7EW- SAR has been very busy. Two lives have been lost. Averaged two events per week this summer
88 Net: Wayd Walker WA7YD- Doing good
Foxhunt: Harley Leach KI7XF-Will start again in a couple of weeks
HF: Don Godward N7FLT- It stinks!

Old Business:
• Gardiner/Livingston/Paradise Valley repeater-The lease has been signed. The name is North Yellowstone Amateur Radio Club. David and Harley will be going up there tomorrow to turn on the power. 146.98 -100hertz
• Website Updates: David Hohmann AG7DF-Prepper Fest information has been added to webpage. David will be doing some work on the webpage to transfer it to a new template
• HOA Bill: The bill has possibly been taken out
• Field Day: Food was excellent, 58 Colorado states were worked, not very good this year. Next year Field Day will be held in a different location. The club got to thank Dale on a phone call during the meeting
o Thank you to Dale Heidner W7NAV and his wife for hosting field day for the past many years!
o Skeet Archer KI7YYS offer the use of their land by the Axtel fishing access.
o Thank you to Ray Harbeck KG7RAU and family for the wonderful pig and thank you to everyone who helped set up and take down
o Next year’s Field Day will be June 22nd & 23rd, 2019. More info to come
• Ham Fest/Prepper Fest- Ray Harbeck KG7RAU; September 15, 2018. Information has been posted on the webpage and the reflector. There will be no raffle this year. If you’d like to rent a table they are $10 apiece. The Ham Fest will run from 8 A.M. to about 1 P.M. It will be held in the same spot in the fairgrounds as last year.
• Bridger Ridge Run: Went Good. Thank you to everyone who participated in helping with coms.

New Business:
• Library Ham Books- Don Godward N7FLT-The books are in the library
• Fall Fest: Norm Reger KD7TQM- Need 4-5 more people to help out. Meet at 7:30 A.M. at the Soccer Fields in Belgrade
• Winter Field Day: Wayd Walker WA7YD-January 26th & 27th, 2019. Location is at the Headwaters State Park Campground

• Ham n’ Eggs meet on Broadway Street in Belgrade, just south of Belgrade Sales and Service
• Boy scouts Camporee: Sept 22nd; Zombie Apocalypse. The boy scouts are asking for a few hams to give a presentation of the use of the ham radio, Morse code, studying, etc. This event will go from about 9 A.M. until about 2 P.M. Location is Nash and Sourdough. Ray Harbeck KG7RAU and Harley Leach KI7XF volunteered
• Neil Ramhorst KL7JGS will be doing a photo presentation in October including the Bridger Building and old ham photos
• Rich Michau W7AMT: DMR; Rich has made over forty contacts to different countries using DMR. The DMRMT webpage has code plugs. The repeater on Red Mountain (Butte) is DMR; 444.0 +off set 100hertz analog

Meeting Adjourned @ 8:12 P.M.


Minutes respectfully submitted by Falicia Anderson KF7TAH

W7ED Club Information:
Gallatin Ham Radio Club address: GHRC, PO Box 4381, Bozeman, MT, 59772
W7ED Website: gallatinhamradio.com
Facebook: Montana Ham Radio
Email group (yahoo group)/Reflector: w7ed@yahoo.com

Yearly Due Information:
-GHRC Dues; $10 for student, $20 for single member, $25 for family. Please give check or cash to
Eric Anderson AC7V GHRC Treasurer, there is no PayPal account at this time
– ERA Dues; Suggested annual $30, can be paid online with PayPal or given to Ray Harbeck
KG7RAU ERA President
-MRLA Dues; can be paid to Harley Leach KI7XF

GHRC 2019 EVENTS Schedule
• Winter Field Day: Wayd Walker WA7YD-January 26-27
• Field Day: June 22-23
• Bridger Ridge Run:
• Belgrade Fall Fest:
• Ham Fest: